Importance of the IT Manager
With so much modern technology and everything on computers today, the role of the IT (Information Technology) manager is crucial to the operation of almost any company in the world. Up until perhaps 35-40 years ago, only hospitals and some mega conglomerates such as the DuPont Company were using computers, and the mainframe or core of the system took up the better part of an entire room with meticulous temperature control a requirement because of the intricacy of the tapes that were used to store the information. With minimal software for detecting any problems, the work of the Systems Analyst were pertinent to keeping the system running.
Although the computer has evolved from having a huge computer network that runs the system to that of a CPU on each desk, the work of the IT manager has not diminished by any means. In fact, it may be an even great responsibility today because of the amount of software that companies reply upon in the course of daily business. With word processing, spreadsheets, presentation software, accounting programs, and even that of online meetings, it’s pertinent that all systems be running at peak efficiency. That means that the job of the IT manager is not only required but also must be enhanced to meet the demands of a changing world.
In smaller companies, the job of an IT manager may evolve into a 24-hour a day job, but with larger companies where there are likely to be IT technicians as well, the IT manager may not be such a round-the-clock position. Even he may not physically be on duty that much, he is on call in the event that something happens that requires his expertise or approval. After all, the IT manager must make sure that all of the systems within the company are running properly and are upgraded as appropriately. Within a larger company, the IT manager will supervise the IT technicians who do the actual work, but will be available for consultation as necessary.
The IT manager will also approve and implement requests for new computers and equipment as well as approving and setting up new users and deleting those who have left the company. He also must be sure that employees have only the access they need and that they follow the policies for security protection such as protecting passwords and not attempting to enter websites that are forbidden by company policy. In short, the IT manager makes sure that all systems are running efficiently and all policies are followed precisely.
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